Useful Resources

CaseworksPro is an affordable, state of the art full featured web based Claims Administration System designed to support a wide range of claim processing requirements, including Program and SIR client claims management.
www.CaseworksPro.comAM Best

A.M. Best Company is a full-service credit rating organization dedicated to serving the financial services industries, including the banking and insurance sectors. Policyholders and depositors refer to Best’s ratings and analysis as a means of assessing the financial strength and creditworthiness of risk-bearing entities and investment vehicles.
www.ambest.comNational Association of Independent Insurance Adjusters

The National Association of Independent Insurance Adjusters, the NAIIA, is organized because of a principle…that a successful industry requires independent professionals interested also in the welfare of their individual communities. Our member firms have been approved by insurance carriers for their competency and ethical procedures as demonstrated in the hundreds of communities in which they operate. These firms have exhibited their willingness and ability to meet the strict standards of this association.
www.naiia.comTarget Markets Program Administrators Association

The Target Markets Program Administrators Association is dedicated to meeting the unique challenges of Program Administration. We define Program Business as insurance products targeted to a particular niche market or class, generally representing a book of similar risks placed with one carrier. Administration is done through Program Specialists who have developed an expertise in that market or class. Administrative responsibilities are negotiated between the Specialist and Carrier and may include marketing, underwriting selection, binding, issuing, billing, premium collections, data gathering, claims management/loss control and possibly risk sharing. Program Specialists typically target their niches through differentiation either in product, risk management services, delivery mechanism or price. Specialists can distribute these programs on a retail or wholesale basis.